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澳门威斯尼斯人0907留学生参加"画庐山 看中国"——2023中外艺术家庐山行活动
发布日期:2023-11-09浏览次数:字号:[ ]


活动邀请了全球六大洲、近30个国家和地区的36位艺术家来到庐山采风、写生、创作。我校澳门威斯尼斯人0907硕士研究生巴基斯坦籍留学生—— 沁月同学也受邀参加了此次活动,在秀美的庐山景象中,真切与深入的理解了中国文化,用精彩的艺术作品向来自世界各地的艺术家展现北语艺院学子的风采。

活 动 风 采

Title: sunset of Lushun

Medium: acrylic and oil 



学 生 介 绍


曾参展于卡拉奇的“第17届新秀艺术家展”和拉合尔的“第18届青年艺术家展 - 角落里的艺术”,还参与了卡拉奇Full Circle Gallery的“欢迎回家”群展。她的作品曾在巴基斯坦拉合尔的PUCAD的“第二届安娜·莫尔卡奖2022”展览,曾于2023年1月在巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡的万豪酒店的Artcade画廊展出。


访 谈 内 容

您在此次"画庐山 看中国"——2023中外艺术家庐山行活动中有什么特别的感触吗?

Participating in the "Painting Lushan to See China" 2023 tour was a deeply soulful experience for me. It felt like a precious three-day escape from the outside world, where I had the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. We shared meals, engaging conversations, and, of course, our artistic endeavors.

参加“画庐山 看中国” 2023年之行对我来说是一次极具深意的体验。这宝贵的三天,将我脱离外界,与志趣相投的人建立联系。我们一起分享了美食,进行深入交谈,当然还包括艺术创作。


The most intriguing aspect of this trip was the incredible diversity among the 36 artists who participated. We came from various countries and had vastly different backgrounds. Some were emerging artists while others had already established themselves in the art world. Every artist's journey was a distinct narrative, and their artistic styles were as unique as their backgrounds. Even if we were given the same subject to sketch, the results would be 36 distinct interpretations. This diversity was a remarkable and enriching aspect of the journey.


可以向我们介绍一下您在此次写生中的作品吗? 请分享一下您的创作心得。

One of the most memorable creative and my favorite collaborations was with a Russian artist, Egor Betekhtin, who is currently pursuing a master's degree in Chinese calligraphy at CAFA. Despite our contrasting artistic styles—he favored monotonous tones and black and greys, while I embraced fluorescent and vibrant colors—we decided to combine our work styles. I painted a vivid representation of the Lushan sunset,while Egor inscribed a poem written by Li Bai about Lushan onto the painting. This fusion of visual and literary art was a unique and harmonious project.

Furthermore, we commenced on an installation art project inspired by the botanical garden. This artwork featured 36 knots, symbolizing the 36 international artists who came together for this event. The Chinese character "和" (hé), which is a part of "和谐" (héxié), meaning harmony, was prominently displayed. It signified how this collective activity united 36 artists and fostered a harmonious connection among us through nature and mutual creativity.

我最难忘且最喜欢的创作之一是与俄罗斯艺术家Egor  Betekhtin的合作。他目前在中央美术学院攻读中国书法硕士学位。尽管我们的艺术风格截然不同——他偏好单调的色调和黑灰配色,而我喜欢荧光色和鲜艳的颜色,但我们决定将两种风格相结合。我画了一幅生动的庐山日落图,而Egor在画作上题写了一首李白关于庐山的诗。这种视觉与文学艺术的融合是一个独特且和谐的合作。

此外,我们着手了一个受植物园启发的装置艺术项目。这件艺术作品上有36个结,象征着36位国际艺术家为这次活动聚集在一起。汉字 “和”,在其中被醒目地展示,意味着和谐。它标志着这项集体活动是如何团结了36位艺术家,并通过自然和创造力促进了我们之间的和谐联系。

“画庐山 看中国”活动召集了一批优秀的着力研究不同画种、画派的中外艺术家,您认为中外艺术家写生之行的活动对中外文化的艺术交流有怎样的影响?

The "Painting Lushan to See China" event served as a powerful catalyst for artistic exchange between Chinese and foreign cultures. It was a melting pot of diverse talents, bringing together artists from various countries, each with their unique perspectives, backgrounds, and artistic traditions.

This creative voyage broke down cultural barriers, allowing us to witness and appreciate the multifaceted beauty of art from around the world. As we drew and painted side by side, we not only learned from one another's techniques but also absorbed the essence of different painting types and schools. This cross-cultural exchange was a profound learning experience, broadening our artistic horizons.

"画庐山 看中国" 活动是中外文化艺术交流的强大催化剂。本次活动是多元化人才的大熔炉,汇集了来自不同国家的艺术家,每个人都有自己独特的视角、背景和艺术传统。



I aim to explore the essence of Chinese painting, delving into its history, techniques, and the profound cultural significance it carries.

What truly excites me is the prospect of fusing these newfound insights with my existing artistic style. I believe that this fusion of two distinct styles, the meeting of traditions, and the blend of East and West can lead to the creation of something truly adventurous for me .

In short, my future study of Chinese painting is a journey towards artistic synergy, where I hope to merge the best of both worlds, creating a tapestry of creativity that resonates with the beauty of Chinese painting while retaining my personal touch. It's an exciting and enriching path that I eagerly look forward to exploring.




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